Generate Plans that Maximize Business Results Generate Plans that Maximize Business Results

World-Class Supply Chain Planning Software for Next-Level Business Growth

GEP NEXXETM offers best-in-class, collaborative supply chain planning software tools that generate goal-optimized plans to maximize business outcomes such as profitability and customer satisfaction. Taking real-time supply chain data from multiple partners, GEP NEXXE’s cloud based supply chain planning suite leverages the power of GEP MINERVATM — our proprietary AI technology — to align with your demand, supply and logistics goals and create actionable strategies to drive tangible business growth for your enterprise.

Always Stay Ahead of the Curve

GEP NEXXE keeps your supply chain organization well prepared to deal with risks and disruptions. Get accurate forecasts gleaned from real-time market events and point-of-sale data. Use demand sensing to enable automated decision support with granular precision while supporting consensus planning efforts across different departments. Predict expected costs by factoring market indices and empower your organization to plan sourcing events at the right time to optimize product cost.

The Glue That Helps You Stick to the Plan

GEP NEXXE does your advanced supply chain planning for you by marrying Bill of Materials (BOM) with Bill of Resources (BOR) to generate a supply plan that you can compare against a demand plan. Our supply chain planning (SCP) software ensures demand prioritization and effective allocation of capacity and material by automating the master plan schedule — all the while accounting for goods and services requirements. From short-term optimal route plans to long-term fleet requirements, GEP NEXXE maximizes your supply chain planning’s last-mile capabilities.

With a wide range of best-in-class AI-powered tools, GEP NEXXE (supply chain tool) enables business planning across your enterprise. Our elaborate range of SCM planning tools help you drive greater profitability, increase customer satisfaction and move a step closer to achieving your business goals.


Redefine Efficiency with Business Planning

Demand Planning

Improve forecast accuracy and increase granular visibility by leveraging the power of AI and machine learning algorithms. Enable consensus planning among different departments in your enterprise, across diverse intersections of geographic and customer hierarchy. Ascertain influence factors and capture trends for more drilled down and accurate future forecasts. Enable automated demand sensing using the data from real-time market events and risks, along with point-of-sale data for improved forecast accuracy at granular level in the replenishment horizons.

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Supply Planning

Generate an optimal supply plan by balancing material and capacity constraints against the demand plan. Enable efficient demand prioritization to meet your specific organization or business goals. Generate material, capacity and services requirements to aid collaboration with trading partners or create a master plan schedule that allows you to confidently make and keep promises to your customers.

Logistics Planning

Automatically create optimized transportation plans based on planned activities for operations, such as manufacturing, exploration and production. Generate optimal short-term route plans or long-term fleet requirements. Integrate with the visibility and execution suite to optimize your scheduling with real-time information.


Enable strategic price planning of goods and services. Gain visibility into cost drivers and cost breakdown structures for increased savings and efficiency. Our price element library is linked to market indices for real-time cost evolution, ensuring your cost model can be used in sourcing negotiations and to provide guidance for budgeting.

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The Next-Generation End-to-End Supply Chain Planning Solution

Better Margins, Bigger Profits

GEP NEXXE helps you optimally plan product cost by recommending the right sourcing and contracting events at the right time. Minimize costs — from inventory to excess and obsolescence — with optimized, AI-powered plans. Reduce and/or eliminate unforeseen costs in the supply, distribution and expedite process, improving margins and boosting profits.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

GEP NEXXE’s AI-powered supply chain planning system allow you to prioritize important high-value demands, ensuring you deliver consistently on promises made to customers. Improved forecast accuracy generated using real-time data from market events and point of sale enables on-shelf availability of products.

We Can Think It for You

Achieve between 50% and 70% reductions in planning cycle times thanks to the artificial intelligence capabilities of GEP MINERVA, which powers GEP NEXXE. These highly automated rapid supply chain operations planning engines give your organization the ability to run numerous alternate scenarios efficiently, enabling increased contingency planning.

Lower Risks, Greater Rewards

Reduce risk from variability and disruption with the increased accuracy and granularity of GEP NEXXE’s forecast planning tool. React quickly to changing market dynamics and ensure you are never caught off guard with AI-powered, rapid-response planning systems that are triggered by real-time market data inputs.

Drive Business Transformation Across the Enterprise

Improve Forecast Accuracy

The sophisticated, self-learning capabilities of GEP MINERVA — GEP’s proprietary artificial intelligence technology — powers GEP NEXXE to drive insights and indicators into demand, dramatically enhancing forecasting that predicts and plans with precise accuracy and reliability over time.

Enhance Scalability

GEP NEXXE harnesses the immense computing power of data lakes to drive enhanced demand planning and forecasting, enabling dramatically increased flexibility and agility of your enterprise to scale supply up or down to meet the demand cycle.

Reduce Risk

Take risk out of demand planning and forecasting. GEP NEXXE offers next generation tools that sense and track real-time demand, enabling swift reaction to fluctuations in the supply chain to meet or exceed customer and inventory demand without negatively impacting spend, contracts or supplier relationships.

Boost Supply Chain Agility

With best-in-class, demand planning and forecasting tools, GEP NEXXE accelerates agility, enabling your enterprise to quickly react and respond to real-time variables and volatile market conditions — and adjust plans before they impact the business.

Tailor to Your Needs

Leverage GEP NEXXE’s completely configurable and customizable supply chain planning dashboard to gain a deeper understanding of demand at a granular level with comprehensive, and enhanced visibility into key metrics including: History vs. forecast, key customers and geo-located forecasting.

Optimize Inventory Levels

The GEP NEXXE demand planning and forecasting software enables your enterprise to run lean and reduce stockouts to optimize your inventory levels and improve inventory management.