良好的采购到付款 (P2P) 系统有助于消除合同外和独断独行采购,从而将让大量支出纳入管理。但仅安装一个采购到付款工具,并不保证企业能获得更好的报告、合同利用率以及合规性。
GEP SMART™ 将订单到发票流程与寻源到合同流程连接起来,有效地将每个订单与合同、计划和目标挂钩。该解决方案提供完整的采购到付款功能——从商品搜索到发票匹配和付款授权——以及业界最佳的用户体验。GEP SMART 易于使用和部署,可快速应用于多个业务领域,带来颠覆性的业务结果。
用户体验 — P2P 成功的核心
为您的采购人员提供一款采购到付款应用程序,为他们带来轻松愉快的消费者般采购体验,使他们能够借助直观的流程快速找到所需商品,并直接通过合同或总括订单购买。GEP SMART 引导购买使采购人员能够快速便捷地获取所需商品,无论商品是在目录(托管式和打卡式目录),内部库存,还是在供应商网站上。用户可以比较不同供应商或产品线的商品,将商品添加到购物车并下订单,且可以轻松地追踪订单。这不仅能够最大限度地的提高合同合规性和利用率,还能够确保整个流程的可见性。
如果有一个系统能让采购人员更快地以合适的价格,从合适的供应商处,采购到合适的产品,执行政策就会变得容易得多。GEP SMART 的寻源引擎能够帮助您加快工作流程和审批流程,并缩短采购订单周期、采购订单处理时间以及供应商交付时间。该系统不仅易用,还具有灵活性、可扩展性和透明度。

GEP SMART 的全面采购到付款功能涵盖了整个采购流程——请购、审批、自动化三方匹配、异常情况处理、供应商沟通和关系管理、付款以及报告。该软件部署简单快速,具有卓越的旧系统集成能力和吸人眼球的设计,并且任何级别的用户都能轻松上手。
为用户提供消费者般的采购体验,提升系统的采用率。GEP SMART 的目录界面简单易用,方便用户选择托管式或打卡式目录商品,并将商品直接加入购物车。
无缝创建采购订单 (PO),可附加也可不附加请购单。轻松追踪您的采购订单每个阶段的情况。只需点击几下即可查看当前和即将到期采购订单的状态。
选择了 GEP SMART 后,我们在 7 个月内就交付了 P2P 解决方案。合作的效果已经不言而喻。成本节省增加了三倍,并且我们处理工作的时间减少了 50%。这表明它在不断改进我们的工作流程。
— 保诚集团采购和供应链总监 Richard Powell
New Contracts Per Month
Billion In Spend 140 Countries
Vendors Across Multiple Countries
GEP SMART 采购软件平台能够帮助企业提升控制力、合规性和流程效率,大幅削减文书工作、处理错误和成本,而且用户能够迅速上手。您将提升从订单到发票的采购运营效率,获得有关支出模式的宝贵信息,并节省更多时间和金钱。
- 实现采购到付款全面自动化——将请购单转换为采购订单,并自动以电子方式发送给供应商履行。
- 进行应付账款必需的验证、发票匹配、异常情况处理和对账
- 识别和追踪从采购到合同签订再到订单处理整个流程中的节省机遇
- 利用内置业务智能全面监控整个采购到付款周期,实现最大限度的节省
GEP SMART P2P 软件为用户提供了自定义配置审批工作流程的灵活选择。所有审批人(串行、并行和池中审批人)和自动审批都是由多种变量组合决定的。要简化请购和审批流程,您可以设置成将低风险、低价值、基于目录的请购单直接转发给预先批准的供应商,还可以设置成将其他请购单发送给指定人员。
可以。GEP SMART 的采购到付款解决方案提供交互面板,允许您通过便利的视图追踪每个层级打开和完成的采购订单,无论是否订单附有请购单。
可以。GEP SMART 可以进行多方发票匹配,解决可能导致发票异常的问题。在发票到达应付账款之前,GEP SMART 会完成发票变更和订单变更流程,有效地纳入价格或数量的变化。由于发票的形式和结构对流程没有影响,所以无论提交的发票是否附有订单,也无论发票是以纸质形式提交还是通过电子邮件提交,GEP SMART 都可以处理。
可以。供应商关系管理是 GEP SMART 采购平台的一个主要功能。GEP SMART 帮助用户监控供应商绩效,并主动维护用户与供应商的良好关系。GEP SMART 的供应商关系管理能够用于构建可靠的管理结构,部署适当的供应商参与模式,并参与各种集中式联合活动。用户还可以用它定义行动计划、指定利益相关方和分析供应商参与结果。
独立的 P2P 工具通常无法有效地将 S2P 周期的所有流程连接起来,这会妨碍协作和工作流程。而 GEP SMART 不只是一个采购到付款平台。它是一个完整的、统一的寻源到付款采购平台,而 P2P 是其中不可或缺的一部分。GEP SMART 使企业能够简化和自动化端到端 S2P 流程,包括支出管理、寻源、合同管理、供应商管理、P2P、节省追踪等。
根据需要应用的业务规则,GEP SMART 允许用户轻松修改、撤销或更改采购订单。GEP SMART 可以根据您的企业运作方式进行全面定制。您可以将您的政策和流程完全整合到软件中,GEP 的采购专家也将帮助您从头开始构建最佳实践政策框架。
GEP SMART 为您提供了灵活控制每个用户权限的功能,这意味着您可以允许或限制用户创建或审批请购单。此外,您可以根据您的组织结构自定义配置请购单审批层级,并在将来需要时重新配置。
可以,您可以在 GEP SMART 上创建请求与独立供应商合作的申请,并提交到审批层级进行审核,然后再处理。但通常情况下,最佳做法是与预先批准的供应商合作,以限制合同外采购。尽管如此,为了取得最佳结果,也可以提出竞争性的临时请购单,因为请购单也可以随时“发送进行投标”。
如果审批人未在规定的时间内批准或拒绝请购单,他们将收到系统生成的提醒。如果他们没有回应系统提醒,请购人可以撤回并取消请购单,或选择不同的审批人重新提交请购单。GEP SMART 采购到付款软件也可以配置为将审批权限转移给审批池的其他成员。
可以。GEP SMART 采购到付款软件的工作流程可以设置为层级式、并行式或池式。 这与根据价值、品类、地理位置和业务单元配置审批的方式相同。工作流程然后可以应用于请购单和/或采购订单,并且可以根据企业的情况进行最适宜的调整。
支持。GEP SMART 采购到付款软件包括全面的用户角色,这意味着软件能识别您是谁,实现审批流程自动化,并且无需手动干预即可用会计和其他代码填充请购单和订单。
"@context": "https://schema.org",
"@type": "FAQPage",
"mainEntity": [{
"@type": "Question",
"name": "How do purchase requisitions and approvals work on GEP SMART P2P software?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "GEP SMART P2P software gives users the flexibility to custom-configure approval workflows. All approvers (serial, parallel and pool) and automatic approvals are decided by a combination of variables. The purchase requisition and approval process can be simplified by allowing low-risk, low-value, catalog-based purchase requisitions to be directly forwarded to pre-approved suppliers, and other purchase requests to be sent to designated personnel."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Can I track purchase orders created using GEP SMART?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Yes — the GEP SMART procure-to-pay solution features interactive dashboards that allow tracking of open and fulfilled purchase orders at every level, in a single convenient view, regardless of whether purchase requisitions are attached."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Does GEP SMART help with invoice management?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Yes — GEP SMART can perform multi-way invoice matching, resolving problems that might result in invoice exception. Well before invoices reach accounts payable, GEP SMART runs change-invoice and change-order processes to effectively incorporate changes in pricing or quantity. And since invoice form and composition have no bearing on the process, GEP SMART can handle invoices whether they are submitted without an order, on paper, or via email."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Can GEP SMART help with supplier relationship management?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Yes — supplier relationship management is a major function of the GEP SMART procurement platform. GEP SMART helps users monitor performance and proactively maintain better relationships with suppliers. Supplier relationship management on GEP SMART features the ability to construct robust governance structures, deploy appropriate supplier engagement models, and participate in an assortment of focused, joint activities. It also gives users the power to define action plans, assign stakeholders and measure results of supplier engagements."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "I currently have a standalone P2P system. Why should I choose GEP SMART?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Standalone P2P tools often fail to efficiently link together all processes of the S2P cycle, impeding collaboration and stifling the workflow. GEP SMART, on the other hand, is much more than a procure-to-pay platform. It is a complete, unified, source-to-pay procurement platform with P2P as an integral part. GEP SMART enables enterprises to streamline and automate their end-to-end S2P process including spend management, sourcing, contract management, supplier management, P2P, savings tracking and much more."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Once a purchase order has been created in GEP SMART, how can I change it?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Based on the business rules that need to be applied, GEP SMART allows users to easily amend, withdraw or change purchase orders. GEP SMART can be entirely customized to mirror the way your enterprise operates. You can fully incorporate your policies and processes into the software — and GEP’s procurement experts will also help you outline best-practice policies from the ground up."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Can anyone with access to GEP SMART prepare or approve purchase requests?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "GEP SMART gives you the flexibility to control rights and permissions for every user — this means that you can permit or restrict users from preparing or approving purchase requests. In addition, you can custom-configure the requisition approval hierarchy according to your organizational structure and reconfigure it as needed at future points."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Can I prepare a requisition to engage an independent vendor to perform services using GEP SMART?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Yes, you can create a requisition to engage with independent vendors on GEP SMART and then run it through an approval hierarchy prior to processing. However, the usual best practice is to engage with pre-approved vendors to limit off-contract purchasing. Nonetheless, an ad-hoc request can be competitively sourced for best results, because requisitions can also be “sent for bidding” at any given point."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "What happens if an approver does not take action on a requisition that has been routed to him/her?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "If approvers do not approve or reject requisitions within the stipulated time frame, they will receive system-generated reminders. If they do not respond to these alerts, the requestor can either withdraw and cancel the requisition, or resubmit it after selecting a different approver. GEP SMART procure-to-pay software can also be configured to reroute approvals to other members of that approval pool."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Can I customize the P2P workflow?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Yes. Workflows on GEP SMART procure-to-pay software can be customized as hierarchical, parallel or pool. This is similar to the way approvals can be configured depending on value, category, geography and business unit. These workflows can then be applied to purchase requisitions and/or purchase orders, and can vary depending on the best fit for the enterprise."
"@type": "Question",
"name": "Does GEP SMART support personal profiling?",
"acceptedAnswer": {
"@type": "Answer",
"text": "Yes. GEP SMART procure-to-pay software includes comprehensive user roles, which means that the software understands who you are, automates approvals, and populates requisitions and orders with accounting and other codes without any manual intervention."