How M&As Offer the Perfect Opportunity To Improve ESG Performance How

Even if an M&A is not ESG-motivated, you can still make the most of the opportunity.

As the merging companies align resources, values and goals, it is the perfect time to redefine sustainability commitments and initiate an ESG transformation program.

Our latest bulletin, How M&As Offer the Perfect Opportunity To Improve ESG Performance, offers strategies for ESG-mature firms as well as those that are still catching up. It examines how procurement can balance the priorities of cost reduction and ESG improvement and provides actionable steps to implement and maximize ESG value.

What’s Inside:

  • The link between data management and ESG performance
  • How procurement-led category strategies will help
  • Ensuring ESG goals remains a priority post-deal

This bulletin is essential reading for procurement and ESG professionals looking to mitigate risk and elevate their organization’s ESG agenda.