Procurement Software Review Procurement Software Review

GEP has done something we don’t suspect any others coming from a services background could pull off successfully – and at scale. GEP is not like any other firm we’ve covered in the procurement solutions market.”

-  Jason Busch, founder and head of strategy, Spend Matters

Spend Matters, one of the world’s best and largest information sources for procurement and supply chain professionals, has released an independent and in-depth assessment of GEP SMARTTM source-to-pay procurement software platform.

Excerpts from the report:


GEP SMART offers a fully S2P unified platform in a cloud delivery model that does not sacrifice full integration capabilities — it is a single S2P solution, not several processes (modules) integrated in one solution. The unified platform benefits are significant — for example, the ability to easily “flip” expiring contracts to a new sourcing event, flip sourcing award to a draft contract or a new order and flip a contract to a new catalog or an order.


For procurement organizations today, GEP represents a proverbial Swiss Army knife that can accelerate a procurement transformation with a global technology platform and services capability that sit under one roof. 

The three-part assessment report is available, in full, to users of the Spend Matters PRO service. A summary report is available to sourcing, procurement and supply chain professionals for review here (complimentary access). Get it now.

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