How Digitized and Transformed Procurement Can Empower the Future Supply Chain How Digitized and Transformed Procurement Can Empower the Future Supply Chain

This is a video recording of a recent live event.

Across industries, companies are increasingly under pressure to identify new digital solutions that will transform procurement and by extension the larger supply chain. But they need to proceed carefully to avoid thwarting the goal of cross-functional integration and strategic alignment. The first key step is to assess the organization’s digital readiness — whether it’s been primed for transformation and which processes would benefit most from new tech-driven capabilities.

Watch this webcast from GEP and Procurement Leaders to understand how new technologies — especially advanced data analytics and autonomous systems — can help to create a “well-oiled machine” that fully transforms the supply chain, making it more agile, responsive and resilient.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Get tips for matching technology capability with the demands of your indirect and direct procurement strategies
  • Learn how new technologies can help you optimize inventory management and replenishment plan 
  • Find out what questions you really need to ask when considering adoption of new procurement and supply chain technologies


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Theme: Procurement