How to Execute Supply Chain and Procurement Digital Transformation How to Execute Supply Chain and Procurement Digital Transformation

This is a video recording of a recent live event.

For years, digital transformation was the clarion call. At supply chain and procurement conferences, in op-eds and think pieces, on blogs and in white papers, the benefits of digital transformation were extolled again and again. The upheaval of COVID-19 has only crystallized this focus.

Businesses that had digitalized their operations found themselves at a distinct competitive advantage when the world was forced to abandon offices for a remote or hybrid work model.

As we emerge from this era of disruption into a brave new normal, the message is clear: Digital transformation is no longer optional; it is vital.  But where should it begin? How can procurement and supply chain leaders navigate extreme change and avoid pitfalls?

Join Anand Ganguli, senior director of technology services at GEP, for an insights-packed keynote session from the CIPS Global Conference 2021 as he explores how enterprises can leverage the power of digital transformation to build resilient procurement and supply chain organizations.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Why businesses must invest in digital transformation
  • Innovative technologies and systems development approaches to fulfill top priorities
  • How enterprises can prepare for changing processes and workflows

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