Race to the Digital Future: How Procurement and IT Can Win, Together Race to the Digital Future: How Procurement and IT Can Win, Together

This is a video recording of a recent live event.

Value beyond "just" cost savings. That's what the C-suite is increasingly demanding from its procurement function. And while digital procurement tools and emerging technologies bring it well within reach, actually acquiring mission-critical capabilities requires a strong ally: the IT department.

This webcast, by GEP and Forrester, examines the procurement-IT relationship and highlights the significant rewards each team can realize from a close collaboration. The discussion also focuses on how these departments can address the clear shortcomings of legacy solutions and accelerate the digital procurement transformation journey.

Why Watch This Webcast:

  • Learn about the tangible payoffs of enhancing the IT-procurement collaboration
  • See how IT and procurement can jointly leverage emerging technologies to deliver competitive advantage 
  • Understand the latest features and capabilities of procurement software