Top Strategies to Drive the Adoption of Supply Market Solutions Top Strategies to Drive the Adoption of Supply Market Solutions

This is a video recording of a recent live event.

Procurement or supply market technologies are meant to drive efficiencies, effectiveness and visibility while helping professionals solve complex problems better and faster. However, success of the technology is dependent on factors beyond just selecting and effectively deploying the right solution. A critical factor that significantly impacts the success of a technology solution is user adoption.

Enterprises must facilitate aggressive adoption growth numbers to ensure the technology solution implemented generates a positive return of investment.

In this webcast, Andrew Bartolini, Chief Research Officer of Ardent Partners shares top strategies and best practices to drive faster adoption of supply management solutions. Bartolini also provides key insights into common bottlenecks and challenges associated with boosting user adoption and tips to overcome them.

A must-watch webcast for procurement leaders and sourcing professionals.

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