The Journey to Net Zero The Journey to Net Zero

Did you know that scope 3 emissions for an automotive company account for nearly 97.5% of all its emissions? This may seem like a significant problem, but it also presents an outlet through which the industry can focus its carbon emissions reduction efforts.

But how exactly? Expanding electric vehicle (EV) offerings could be a step in the right direction, but the solution is not straightforward.

Our new white paper, The Journey to Net Zero: How the Automotive Industry Can Make Its Transition To Electric Vehicles Truly Sustainable, recommends that automotive companies look beyond simply manufacturing EVs to help meet their sustainability goals, and provides the path companies must explore to achieve long-term sustainability goals.

What’s Inside:

  • Understanding scope 3 emissions for automotive companies
  • Changing the mindset: Charting a path to net zero
  • The long-term factors that impact the EV transition

This paper is essential reading for supply chain and procurement leaders in the automotive industry who want to make the most of the EV evolution and still remain sustainable.

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